The JOP Indoors is a tournament held in several cities across the Province.
The format of the event is 2 modified Canadian-300 rounds, shot back-to-back on the same day with approximately a 20-minute break in between rounds. The modified Canadian-300 round is the same round the kids use at their club in order to submit scores for their JOP levels.
Maple Ridge Archery Club is hosting this event on
Sunday, April 6th 2025
Registration opens: Feb 23rd 2025
Registration Deadline: Mar 29th 2025
*Maximum 60 archers*
Check-in opens at 8:30am
Equipment Inspection: 9:00am
Start time: 9:30am Includes 2 practice ends and straight into scoring (do not be late!!)
Check-in is in the gym.
Location: Maple Ridge Leisure Centre--Gymnasium, 11925 Haney Place, Maple Ridge (pay parking under the leisure centre)
When you register, you will need to provide the current JOP level that has been achieved by each competitor. JOP levels will be verified prior to the tournament. If the athlete has moved up a level by the time of the tournament, the level (and possibly the target size) will be adjusted to reflect their current achievements.
**Parents, please ensure you select the proper equipment type and target size for your child. If you are unsure, ask them or the club coach. If you have made an error, please let us know ASAP. There will be no changes allowed after March 29th.**
Once the scores have been submitted by each of the venues, the Provincial JOP Coordinator will tabulate the scores and issue awards to the top 5 athletes in each category. The awards will be sent to each club for distribution to the victors, and the results will be posted on the BC Archery website. (This may take up to a week; we appreciate your patience)
For the Maple Ridge venue, it is required that payment be submitted at the same time as registration.
Registration fee:
- $30 for one JOP athlete
- $55 for two siblings (use code 2JOP2025 at checkout)
- $80 for three siblings (use code 3JOP2025 at checkout)
- $100 for four siblings (use code 4JOP2025 at checkout)
**Please note that refunds will only be made if cancellation notice is received before March 31st and will be subject to a $5 cancellation fee**
REGISTRATION opens Feb 23rd 2025
In order to host an event like this, it takes many volunteers. Not just from the MRAC club, but from your own club as well. Parents, if your children enjoyed this event, please consider helping out at your club--put up targets and equipment, clean up at the end of the night, help to keep score.
Even just saying "Thank you" shows appreciation to those running the programs so that they continue to offer events like this for everyone to enjoy.